I've been spending time in my kitchen canning.  While canning I have a lot of time to think and reflect and I have been doing both.

For one, I am missing the Mountain Boy who is on his summer vacation in Pennsylvania visiting his grandparents and he happens to be my canning partner.   We have enjoyed many many hours of canning our summer harvest over the years and it is one of my favorite times spent with him.

While I was canning peaches lately it made me reminiscent of my summers spent with my own grandparents and of my fond memories.  I miss my grandparents dearly and I am SO thankful for the times that I did have with them and for the memories that were created doing sometimes nothing other than just being in each others company.

I LOVED visiting and doing garden work with them.  My grandfather was SO proud of his garden and I loved spending time picking with him.  Then my grandmother, grandfather, I and sometimes even the neighbors would join in to prepare the harvest for canning so whether we were doing green beans, lima beans, peaches or what have you, we enjoyed good conversation and quality time spent together and I was blessed to learn a skill that has traveled with me through the years.

It is funny the things that stick out to us from our past and those fond memories.  The toast and coffee always smelled better at my Mammy and Pappy's and I am SO thankful that the Mountain Boy is enjoying spending time with his grandparents each summer and throughout the year.

As a matter a fact, the Mountain Boy spent some time doing corn with his Mammy and Pappy and both sets of his great grandparents as well.  I am so grateful that he gets to enjoy these times making memories…

Time Spent Today, Are Memories Created For Tomorrow

I feel that no matter what you do with your child or grandchild, any quality time spent with them will be well remembered.  Whether you are taking a walk, playing a board game, swimming, fishing, feeding animals, canning your harvest, picking berries, etc..  They will remember those times.  Children like to be loved and spending time without the iPhones, iPads, Kindles, TV, XBox, etc. is an opportunity to make memories, have incredible conversations, teaching a skill and spent with love.

Be sure to make a memory today!

What is your favorite thing to do with your child or grandchild?

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